
Where to start in the home buying process

Are you ready to start your journey into home ownership but not sure where to even begin?

We put together this site to help guide you on your path to home ownership. Start with the basics of buying a home, this will give you a great overview of the entire process. Then look into finding a real estate agent and lender. Don’t forget to try out some of our tools to help you understand your budget and what home you can afford.

As always – you can always reach out to us if you have questions or would like some advice.

The Basics of Buying a Home

From Start to Finish

Check out our help guide to learn the 15 steps of home ownership, from lender selection and pre-approval to closing costs and down payments.

This is the ultimate guide to buying a home. It’s available as an article or as a Podcast episode.

Choosing Your

Real Estate Agent

Want to get connected with a local agent right away? We’ve partnered with Home&Money to help you get connected quickly and easily.

Just go to HomeAndMoney.com/FTHB and fill out the simple form to be connected right away with a qualified agent!

Finding a


One of the first thing you should do is speak to a lender to understand all of your options.

We give you the info on how to find a lender and what questions to ask to ensure they’re the right fit for you

Are You Emotionally Ready

To Buy A home?

8 questions to ask yourself to make sure you are ready to buy a home from an emotional standpoint.


And Resources

Focused on budget and affordability, we have several resources to help you calculate what you can afford and how to create a budget

Young couple planning and looking for comparison information on their decision to buy a new home together

First Time Home Buyers


All of our episodes that have to do with starting out in your home buying journey. From how to determine a budget to finding professionals to help you in your purchase.